Director & Board Assessments
Independent board assessments are administered by public and private company directors who understand the new level of engagement required for boards and directors to be a strategic asset of the company.
Board Review Process
Current status of the board is assessed against objectives, committees, and individual directors.
Action plans for improvement are recommended. Committees and directors benefit from peer feedback and recommendations.
Best Practice Approach to Board & Director Reviews
Wynstone Partners leverages best practices from Executive Coaching to board assessments.
Comprehensive board assessments are required and recognized as a best practice of high performing companies, providing opportunities to improve the board, committees, and directors to be better strategic assets to the company.
Alignment to Board's Strategy
The Wynstone Partners board assessment highlights opportunities to better align the board with company strategy, governance, effective succession planning, and senior talent development.
A director skill inventory is performed and assessed against the strategy of record. Gaps are identified and recommendations for additional skill sets are provided.