5 Benefits of Executive Coaching
Whether a baseball player is working to improve hitting or fielding, or a gymnast is training to improve balance beam scores, both seek out an experienced coach to build their skills. The same is true for an executive who is looking to improve their leadership capability. An executive coach identifies opportunities for improvement in a leader’s current role and also skills required for future opportunities.
Working with an executive coach can greatly improve your leadership competency and enhance your career. Read on to learn about 5 important benefits of hiring a leadership coach.
Why Should You Hire an Executive Coach?
1. Learn best practices from a broad spectrum of executives and businesses
2. Receive an objective view of leadership, not biased by business or family
3. Receive emotional support - balancing intrinsic versus extrinsic drive.
4. Reduce succession time by addressing current and future capability gaps.
5. Be held accountable for improvement
How do you know if you’re ready for executive coaching?
The decision to hire an executive coach is personal. You are making a commitment to improve. When it comes to determining if you are ready for coaching, ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you fully prepared to make a commitment to the coaching process?
- Do you have buy-in from your organization and your support network?
- Do you have the willingness and enthusiasm to be a stronger force within your organization?
There are other benefits to executive coaching. The objective outside view, coupled with diverse experiences from leaders and industries, make coaches a powerful asset to any business. It is also a strong employee benefit that sends a clear recognition message to high performing talent. Improving leadership creates a better business.

Tom Tischhauser
About Tom
Tom Tischhauser is the founder and principal of Wynstone Partners, an executive coaching firm working with high impact leaders and company boards. The charter of the firm is to improve business performance through the development of key leaders. Tom’s P&L, general management, and functional experience, provide the strong background leveraged in leadership development. Global business, expatriate, and M&A experience complement his leadership and business skills. Tom and his team work closely with executives using everyday issues as vehicles to improve performance.
Tom has been a featured speaker for many business, university, and community events and has coached individual leaders and teams from the US, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. He is a former board member for Kimball Electronics (KE) and Kimball International (KBAL), and currently sits on the board of FinTurk, Inc. Tom holds an engineering degree from Cornell University.